Dmoz Directory Listing Checker Tool

Tool Details and User Instructions
DMOZ (Directory Mozilla) is the largest directory system on the internet that is maintained by the volunteer editors of the community.
Dmoz also knows as ODP (Open Directory Projected), owned by AOL. A website listed in DMOZ directory is considered as ranking well in Google because Google uses DMOZ results.
Why does Google still prefers Dmoz?
Because getting a link from Dmoz is impossible if your website’s content is weak.
Dmoz uses ontology scheme, a specification of conceptualization. On the Demise of Google directory in 2011, the relationship of DMOZ is cooled off. Google sometimes choose website description written by DMOZ editors instead of the description of your own written in Meta tags.
Dmoz listing benefits:
– Not every website gets accepted into Dmoz. Best websites in the eyes of DMOZ’s editors are approved and considered. If you by chance are successful in listing then your site would have more value than your competitor.
– Your website might be on the top of search engine results if you get listed.
– Most search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, MSN and Google looks into DMOZ directory for new domains.
– The directory has a high page rank that could boost your website’s search engine ranking.
How to submit your website to DMOZ?
– Go to the directory and search.
– Select a category related to your website’s niche.
– Click on “Suggest URL” and submit your data.
– Make sure your site should be up to their standard and be as relevant as possible you could be when providing information.
Also check out other tools:
How to use:
1. Enter URL(s) in the text area with a line break.
2. Click Submit for processing of your data. Wait until your data is processed, and the results will be shown in a table.
3. To save your data on you system, you can export results in an excel sheet, Click Export.
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