DNS / Whois Record Lookup Tool

Tool Details and User Instructions
The term DNS stands for Domain Name System, the largest digital database which contains all websites information on the internet. Every domain has authoritative DNS server which publishes information about that domain and the name server for the domain.
Our DNS / Whois record lookup tool will grab A, MX, SOA, NS, TXT and Whois records for a domain name.
DNS (Domain Name System) is a digital database with DNS records of every website. DNS records are the combination of some string of letters called DNS syntax. Commonly used DNS syntax is NAPTR, SOA, SRV, PTR, MX, NS, AAAA, CNAME, A and TXT.
DNS Record Types:
Following is a list of some dns record types.
MX – The mail exchange record contains some mail exchange servers for a domain.
CNAME – The canonical name type is used to connect new subdomains to primary domain’s records.
SOA – State of Authority (SOA) record keeps information like version of the data file and when a domain was updated etc.
NS – The name severs record have the name server details against a domain name.
SRV – The service record type has TCP service information.
PTR – The pointer record handles ipv4 address and maps it to the CNAME.
A – The DNS A record indicates the IP address of a domain.
AAAA – The record handles IPV6 address.
How DNS Works?
DNS is a way to match words/names (for example yourdomain.com) to numbers/IP addresses. The humans can’t remember the IP ( addresses, so they use words i-e abc.com, google.com, etc.
When you query a domain name i-e google.com into your browser, your browser transmits a ping over the internet to find the domain name google.com. That query is to match the domain name with an IP address. When the match is found, the browser renders requested domain name or web page. There is no internet without DNS servers. A distributed database which holds the client-server model maintains the domain name system.
A nameserver is a kind of web server/DNS server with DNS software installed. It is a designated server managed by a web host for managing the domain names. There is another type of name servers that are called custom name servers. With custom name servers you can run your name server to get the connection to DNS.
The response and query protocol that extracts information from the database against a domain name. The content of the whois database includes registrar information, email address, registration and expiration dates, IP address, name servers, etc. WHOIS is used for many purposes:
– To get the identity, contact information and location of the registrant
– To verify the identity of a business
– To find the email address of the registrant mostly used by law enforcement agents.
Usage Instructions:
1. Enter a website URL in text field.
2. Click Submit and wait for the results shown after processing.
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