Check Website For Malware Tool

Tool Details and User Instructions
Malware (malicious software) is used to dodge access controls or weaken computer functions. Check or scan your website for malware with this tool to know whether your website is infected or not.
If a site gets infected with malware, then it will be easy for hackers to corrupt your website. Upon access to your site, they can do whatever they want. Google with their malware check program and other companies are working continuously to identify and blacklist dangerous pages to protect the web. Most applications warn their users to keep away from a dangerous and malicious website by using Google malware database.
Malware Types:
Worms – This malware exploit vulnerability in operating systems. Computer worms can steal data, overload web servers, consume bandwidth. They have the ability to replicate and spread.
Virus – A virus can spread to other computers by copying itself to documents, programs, etc.
Trojan Horse – A Trojan makes itself unrecognizable by tricking users to download and install malware.
Spyware – The malware keeps an eye on user activities like data harvesting, getting keystrokes, etc.
Ransomware – The malware takes control of a computer completely by restricting users not to use their computers.
Why websites get hacked?
1. Every website runs some software programs to store data and render pages. There could be some issues with the installed software:
– They are not from a legitimate source. So you don’t know what’s written in the software programs.
– They are outdated, and the author of the software is not available to update the software.
– They are poorly configured.
These softwares are easy to get corrupted to get access to your website.
2. File permissions play an important part in securing your website. If you follow the necessary file permission standards, you can make a website very safe. But a typical person doesn’t know what a file permission is. So he/she might disable them accidentally.
3. There is a tendency of keeping the easy passwords i-e “admin/username” or using the date of birth as the password. Such kind of passwords is very easy to tweak for an attacker. You should generate secure passwords if you don’t know how to do that, use our free password encryption utility.
How to use Google Malware:
2. Click Submit to process your data.
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