IP Address Geolocation checker
IP Lookup | |
IP Address: | |
IP Status: | 200 |
City: | Ashburn |
Region: | Virginia |
Region Name: | Virginia |
Area Code: | |
DMA (Designated Market Area) Code: | 511 |
Country Code: | US |
Country Name: | United States |
Continent Code: | NA |
Latitude: | 39.0481 |
Longitude: | -77.4728 |
Curency: | USD |
Currency Symbol: | $ |
Tool Details and User Instructions
IP Locator is also called IP Look UP or Where is My IP Tool. IP finder is used to find the location of a router or computer, the device’s name and the owner. For example, a user can use IP look-up to find the location of the individual to avoid fraud. This IP Tracer is a perfect tool to find the location of an IP from any domain or IP. By using our IP Address Locator, you can find the geographical location of an IP address along with some other additional information including Time Zone, Country, State and City, etc.
- IP Status (Alive or Not, 200 means Live IP)
- City (in which city the ip is located)
- Region (in which region ip is located)
- Area code
- Designated Market Area (DMA) Code
- Country Code & Name
- Latitude & Longitude
- Currency & Currency Symbol
- Location on Google Maps
The things you won’t get with our tool are:
The street address and person’s name because of privacy issues.
If you still need more information about an IP, you may use some third party services such as Dnsstuff or Geobytes.
How does geolocation works?
There is a WHOIS database ARIN that provides registration and contact information against an IP address.
Usage Instructions:
1. Enter the IP address in the given text field you want to locate.
2. Click Submit to discover the location of the IP. IP will be located in seconds depending upon the information of the IP given in the database.
Online Quote