Free Moz (DA, PA, MozRank) Checker (Desktop)
by Visio Spark (Freeware)Compatible with Windows Operating Systems
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Moz analyzer represents a link popularity score. It reflects the importance of any given web page on the Internet. Pages earn MozRank by the number and quality of other pages that link to them. The higher the quality of the incoming links, the higher the MozRank.
How is MozRank scored?
Moz Rank rates websites on a logarithmic scale between 0 and 10. Thus, it's much easier to improve from a MozRank of 3 to 4 than it is to improve from 8 to 9. An "average" MozRank of what most people think of as a normal page on the Internet is around 3.
How can MozRank be improved?
A web page's MozRank can be improved by getting lots of links from semi-popular pages or a few links from very popular pages.
Moz Analyzer tool
Moz Analyzer tool is a desktop software you can check websites page rank , Domain authority etc by this tool.
How to Use
This tool is really simple to use enter a domain name you want to check in the text field area. Provide your moz key in the mozkey section and click start analyzing. After analyzing it will display the results in the bottom panel. From there you can export results into csv file and save the results for future reference.
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