Outdated Content Finder Tool
Tool Details and User Instructions
Outdated link building or content refresh link building is a technique in which SEOs outreach blog/website’s owners or webmasters to update their content with the new links. This outdated content finder tool will help you to find the prospects to outreach.
This outdated content finder tool works with all Google search operators. We tested the tool on the following search operators:
1. site:abc.com
site:abc.com search operator fetches all the results related to “abc.com”.
2. link: toolsiseek.com
Extract all the internal and external backlinks pointing to a domain name.
Note: Please add a “space” after “:” to work this operator, e-g “link: abc.com.”
3. link: example.com -site:example.com
Similar to “2”. But the operator extracts only external backlinks pointing to a domain from Google.
4. related:site.com
Extracts all the related websites.
5. info:site.com
Extracts information about a domain from Google.
6. allinanchor:{keywod}
Fetches all the documents that contain all the words of a keyword. Ignore {}, just place keyword.
7. allintext:{keyword}
Fetches all the documents that contain all the words in the body of a document.
8. allintitle:{keyword}
Gets all the web URLs that contains all the words in the <title> tag.
9. allinurl:{keyword}
Displays all the URLs that contains all the words of a keyword in a URL.
10. intext:{keyword}
Displays all the URLs that have any or all the word(s) of a keyword inside document body.
11. intitle:{keyword}
Displays all the web documents that have any or all the word(s) inside the <title> tag.
12. inurl:{keyword}
Displays all the URLs that have any or all the words in a URL.
Tool Usage Instructions:
1. Enter your keyword/URL.
2. Enter “From Date” and “To Date”.
3. Fill up the captcha.
4. Click submit button. The tool may take some time to process.
5. 10 Results will be shown, for more click on “Next 10 Results” to get more results
6. Export the results when finished.
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